♥ Istikharaa :
Istakhara :
is to ask Allah to guide one to the right sort of action concerning any job or deed.
1. Make up your mind and choose (job/deed)
2. Pray 2 rakaa't
3. Du'a (Ask Allah is this good for me or not ?)
Q&A :
[ التوبة : ١٠٩ ] ( من القرآن و السنة ) (دعاء ، تسبيح ، أدعية ، أذكار ) ( صدقة جارية بإذن الله )( مذكرة ) ( تذكير ) ( post & reblogs ) ( about awareness / experiences / motivation )(education)
Istakhara :
is to ask Allah to guide one to the right sort of action concerning any job or deed.
1. Make up your mind and choose (job/deed)
2. Pray 2 rakaa't
3. Du'a (Ask Allah is this good for me or not ?)
Q&A :